Kenzo gardening

The best way to spend your coffee break

I love to cook and when it comes to produce, everyone knows that fresh is both tastiest and healthiest. So, although I’d never tried growing herbs and vegetables at home, I’d always wanted to give it a try. Luckily Botanian made it so easy. I bought a few tomato seedlings at my local farmers market to try out. The guy there advised me to put them in Botanian Pots filled with their Quick Soil Mix. Once the plants were big enough, I moved them to these big containers still in their Pots – which are biodegradable – and they really took off.

Within three months I had a crop of cherry tomatoes to die for. A balsamic and some basil, and I created the best starter to serve my friends the next time we got together. And it didn’t end there: Anytime I wanted to make a salad or a sauce, I just picked some more. Who would have known that you can grow tomatoes, salad greens, and other great stuff, even if your space is as limited as mine. As a remote worker, it’s sort of satisfying to spend my coffee break doing a bit of watering and checking on the progress of these guys. I’m planning on trying basil next, and maybe some mint and oregano.

– Kenzo




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