
Plants need care, but indoor gardening isn't rocket science

Even as a kid I was a bit of a plant nerd. And after I moved into my own place, I knew I still wanted plants around me. I didn’t have much spare time or money, so I looked for next-level propagation solutions at home. When I discovered Botanian, I was sold right away. Indoor gardening with Grow Pellets and Grow Pots is just so easy. I actually started selling the plants I propagated – things like white variegated monsteras. It was a great side hustle for a while, but these days I keep most of them myself, or I bring them into work to green-up the office.

Friends sometimes ask me, ‘How do I propagate cuttings at home?’ or ‘What’s the best way to propagate houseplants?’ I recommend Botanian products because even newbies get amazing results. Of course, you’re dealing with living organisms that need care, but indoor gardening isn’t rocket science, and that includes propagation. My number one hack? Baby plants require less water than you might think, so always let the top of the soil dry out before you water them.

– Bas




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